Am working on a shit ton of comic book projects that you'll find on this page ; let's see how far I can get ~

Age 25, Female

France, biatch

Joined on 4/14/17

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What the fuck is uuuuuuuuup !

Hi, and welcome ! The name's Chloé. I'm a self-educated young artist from France, and my goal is to work in the comic books industry. I'm working on multiple projects at the same time ; I'm a non-stop worker, and I've been doing this since I was twelve. As I write this, I'm seveteen, and I've never been working this hard to get the job done. I have a dream, and I'll do anything to accomplish it.

I'm a simple woman. I see art, I press like. More seriously, I'm real into comics. I'd say that my favourite comic books heroes and superheroes would be Spawn, Batman, Wolverine aaaand Deadpool, cuz who doesn't like breaking the fourth wall ? Now don't ask me "Marvel or DC ?" cuz I'll either troll: "Dark Horse.", punch you in the face for thinking that you just HAVE to pick one or the other, OR tell the truth, which is: "I don't give a damn, I'm only interested in the characters, and not who publishes them."

My work takes inspiration from a lot of different stuff and artists ; I love web comics and follow a large diversity of artists, such as Domics, Jazza ( who is a local of Newgrounds ), TheOdd1sOut, j.n.w ( the person behind Helvetica ), Egoraptor, Owlturd, and many, many more.

I also really appreciate art from our lord and savior Bob Ross, Zdzislaw Beksinski, Todd McFarlane and H.R. Giger. They are my main source of inspiration ( as artists ) when it comes to my projects.

Now you may wonder "But Chloé, you said you were working on multiple porjects, but what are they ?"

Good question, my dear Steve. Let me explain it all for you, project by project:


It's the project that I cherish the most. Like, THE MOST. It's about the Five, which are the heads of a mafia empire based in Italy. It's all about how the "main" character, Jessica Callini, wants to take her revenge on another family in the area, and basically crush every single opponent she has. Seems simple, and it pretty much is ; a battle between families in a Godfather-esque environment ? Yup, kind of. I just add my personal touch by working real fuckin' hard on the characters and the way they interact with eachother. And I do my research. For about everything you could find in the goddamn comics ( I'm a maniac ). I'm aiming real high on this one project, and I promise it'll be awesome !

Poncho's Adventures:

Kay so this one is wayyyy less serious. Really, everything's in the title. The main character, Poncho ( who is a huge-ass-green-oversexualized-mexican-mutated-fish-wrestler-wearing-a-tiny-sombrero-who-looks-perpetually-angry ) gets into some crazy adventures and sorts his way out of dumb/sad/frustrating/sexy/dangerous situations with his buddy, a small kid who has no fuckin' clue what to do. Just as everyone when seeing Poncho, I'd say. I love him.

Pastel Gore:

Let's face it, I'm a sadistic bitch. I love horror, and I love trying out new ways of making people feel extremely uncomfortable with my art. I tried twisted drawings, monsters, scenes of cratures feasting on hald-dead people... Now, with Pastel Gore, you'll experience something new than just "meh it's ok, I can take it". Here, I take cute characters, with adorable designs ( without going for the round and chubby new Cartoon Network stuff ) and pretty normal backstories... Then DOOM UPON THEM ALL. I won't get into the details, but it won't be pretty.

Wait, you've read this far ? GG WP mate, have my applause. *clap clap clap* ( nah really, thanks for the attention )

New End:

We know that I'm a sadistic bitch for a fact, but did you know that I sometimes am real salty as well ? No, you did not, obviously, this is the first time you see my face around here. Anyways, since I can be as salty as a LoL player, I decided to create a place on which I could express my frustration over some games n all. You know How It Should Have Ended ? If not, go check it out, it's guuuud. If yes, then you may imagine New End as a totally subjective and inaccurate version of HISHE. I don't care if it makes sense that this character, that I love, dies. I'll redraw the end with him alive. Obviously, nobody should take New End for a logical, rational version of the story. It's just me screwing around.


Something else that only a few people know: I dream almost every night ! And add to that the fact that I very often experience lucid dreams ! And since they are fucked, real fun, or just purely epic, I thought I might as well share them with you guys. And feel free to give me analyses about them ! I love reading that kind of stuff, and it might help me with my personal problems by making me see things from a new point of view. Who knows ?


So here you go, this was my "short" presentation. Thank you for reading through all of this and I hope to see you around in the near future ! Have a good day, and don't forget: Fuck shit uuuuuuup

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